Here is a scene from this famous movie. Can you imagine our students being the main characters of these movie? This movie won an Oscar ©2008. Desire and destiny match. After so much trouble happiness finds a way!! Wonderful movie. Music fantastic!
Here is a scene from this famous movie. Can you imagine our students being the main characters of these movie? This movie won an Oscar ©2008. Desire and destiny match. After so much trouble happiness finds a way!! Wonderful movie. Music fantastic!
Here is a dragon made of recycled CDs on its wings it looks like silver wings… And its head and body its made of pop-cans tied up with duct blue tape…… That´s a wonderful DRAGON……….. All teachers loved it this morning when we were visiting different schools……. It is now that I realised how important is recycling to reduce pollution. Basically «recycling» of many products or materials involves their reuse in producing different materials (e.g., paperboard) instead. I´m fascinated by the impact of this little dragon on school visitors. Honestly it turns the school into a different environment, it makes me dreaming of a different world…… I wonder where this dragon comes from…. It reminds me of Avatar because of the color but I have no idea if it was created for a videogame or what is it for…..
It depends on the area or district in Madrid that you live… if it develops more recycling campaigns or not…. There are some people in Brazil or any other parts of the world who search in the rubbish containers for useful things that people throw away, and re-sell them or use it up again…. This is the world we live in…. And we need to teach our teenagers not to throw away every single object they don´t want to use anymore… There are second-hand stores that re-sell books, CDs, vinile discs, clothes….. I know it might be annoying to waste your time taking old books or movies to these stores… especially if you are getting rid of things because you move… My suggestion is to donate books or cds to libraries,… or clothes to other social organizations.
Buenos días,
Quiero compartir con vosotros este email de una persona de habla inglesa que está aprendiendo el español de México. Veréis qué maravilla! Esta persona ha aprendido de oídas no ha estudiado gramática. Ahí va:
Hola bonita chica!! Como estas??? Hace calor o frio? Climate es excelente aqui! Setenta degrados ahora. Que bueno!!! Como estas, chica? Mucho trabajo?? Trabajo en nueva esquela? O diferente esquela?
Savannah esta bien tambien! Diez y siete anos!! Ordole! Es muy bonita chica tambien!!! Todo A’s en esquela!!! Espanol, B+, pero bien tambien. Tres anos espanol!! No practica, pero habla bien.
Edgar y chicas estamos bien tambien. Yo voy Texas en viente cinco de junio to nueve de julio. Mucho trabajo en nuevo casa de Edgar. Espero terminar en dos semanas. espera….mucho trabajo mas.
Como estas familia? Abuela esta bien tambien? Escribe para mi donde tiempo por favor!! Estrano mucho.
Muchos abrazos para ti!!! Bien Dia!!!
Te Quiero Mucho!!
In our school our students read for their third term «Pride and Prejudice» by Jane Austen. As a teacher, I think encouraging Reading literary classics is one of the most imaginative ways of practicing the English language. Most of the students are exposed to many films or internet videos, and not all of them devote time to reading. It is very important that they get on the habit of reading to develop more imaginative ideas and to make brain connections engage one another, otherwise they will lose these brain connections forever…. Since our brain is a muscle, the more input you get the better. Enlarging these part of the brain will provide unlimited skills for other disciplines. Vocabulary will be enriched by reading, and memory will also be improved as communicative skills. Besides, fantasy and imagination will rocket.
Here is a suggestion!
Teachers we are highly communicative people. For this reason many times we might say our opinion regardless what the context is. And believe me…when we are in the work environment, negative opinions should be put aside and we really need to be professional in the workplace. If a negative opinion about anything is said and it is related to work, it might affect everybody else in the work environment. We need to work for the best.
Honestly speaking, a better choice is to keep working and just share the positive experiences, except for those cases when a problem arises and you need to get it solved, and that for sure is a professional topic.
Ways of relating each other make a difference in our work environment. Inter-relationships must engage team work, avoid personal topics which might distract us from our objectives aims. Basically because teenagers need teachers being firm and assertive.
This blog entry is to encourage women to keep on changing the world. To share our ideas, opinions, projects… Women teachers we can make students respect the environment, make respect students-themselves and respect others, and get women back to the education world. In spite of the economic crisis, women need to be raised in order to be able to defend themselves and move on in this world. Women we need to fight for education since this is the only thing that allows us to be free. Nowdays we live in a world in which polite rules are no longer existing, and many times it is necessary to teach people to be polite to women. We live in a men world. This might be debatable for sure. Do you thing teachers who are men are more respected than teachers who are women? Feel free to write your opinion.
And believe me! Women we need to put women on the top of the world. We dont need women feel humiliated or frustrated… Do you watch the TV reality shows… In those programs women are not even decent people. We need seriously people in our society and people who can responsibly handle the world… All in all women se need to re-educate other women to work along and make a more polite world.
Think of those Indian women we learnt about who were organized by themselves in small communities and who were able to install watering systems or solar panels.
Una vez más nuestros alumnos de segundo de Bachillerato pasan por esta prueba agotadora de tres días. La mayoría de los alumnos la afrontan con éxito porque lo han preparado con esfuerzo a lo largo del curso. Esta semana, los días 4, 5, 6 de junio las universidades estarán acogiendo adolescentes que habrán finalizado una etapa educativa… Muchos de ellos se pasan el día calculando la nota media que necesitan para poder acceder a la carrera deseada… lo cual les hace a veces frustrarse y sentirse débiles ante el sistema. Sin embargo, debemos motivarles a que sigan adelante y tengan preparado un plan B por si algo falla. Selectividad es una puerta más que debe quedar abierta para estos alumnos, quienes pueden luego acceder a una universidad pública o privada, en función de las posibilidades de sus famiilas. Algunos harán carreras bilingües, otros aún ni lo saben. Mucha suerte a todos ellos!!!
Here are some of the arts and crafts done at the school to be sold on Spring Day! There were many other little book shops or wrist-band shops, or food shop… All of them basic aim was to collect some money for UNHCR, and make environment a safe place to live in. Most of these beautiful necklaces or ear-rings are made with environmental friendly fabric, also objects for kitchen decoration…
Also the school was fully decorated with huge COMIC CHARACTERS, superman, spiderman, on the ceiling…. and orange balloons all over… flowers… Parents, children, teenagers and teachers had a great time all over school. Students did canoeing in the swimming pool, four year old student had their faces with butterflies make-up, students singing concerts, karaoke, basketball, comic writers’ corner…. Everyone had a lot of fun. If you missed it, make sure next year you don’t. Thank you for such a gorgeous spring day!!
Here are some drawings that our students in GSD El Escorial have done in our English class. First they were taught on the History of the Comics,…. after that they devoted time in pairs to create a superhero and draw it and put some color on it, and then explain to the class in pairs which super-powers their heroes have. They have a lot of fun, even girls, although at the beginning they are lost and they don´t know what to do. I highly recommend this activity if you have been already working with your students after some months, and you know your students profile.
Es emocionante ver cómo la pizarra digital es una rutina en las aulas de 5 primaria del colegio. Los alumnos crecen con soporte visual y participativo, muy estimulante. La clase está decorada con posters de temas emocionantes de mucha personalidad… Se nota que estos alumnos tienen mucha facilidad para dibujar, compartir, colaborar entre ellos….. Es fascinante que lo bien organizados que están. Os invito a que penséis en que el aula debe ser un lugar de identidad de grupo… llena de valores humanos…